Lego Marvel Super Heroes Cake
Lego Marvel cake
If you haven't heard from me in the last couple of weeks... this is why. A showstopper cake for today's launch of the new Lego Marvel Super Heroes game.
Our scene features Sand Central Station, inspired directly from the game. Four feet long, 32 inches wide and 2 feet tall, the location was the perfect setting for Hulk, Iron Man, Wolverine, Captain America, Loki, Black Widow, Spiderman and Thor to save us all from Dr. Doom. Weighing in at approximately 70 pounds this cake would easily feed 180 and took more than 70 hours to create.
Couldn't have done it without the support and talents of Lauren Nisenson, and my Chief of Operations, my husband Jay, who always makes me look good.
Detail: Lego Marvel cake
Detail: Lego Marvel cake
And a special shout out to the front door staff at the Bryant Park Hotel, who went above and beyond to make sure our super heroes made it up to the 24th floor.